
Informative & Aesthetic.

Who am I? What do I design? The brochure inform participants of what the event is about and how it is structured to meet the goal: finding identity. Fun and vibrant overall theme to represent the event atmosphere. Colours are also selected very carefully and symbolically. As the event is provided in two languages, the brochure is also bilingual.

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Process Report

In depth report of ideation, research, rationale, magazine mockups, and final development. It was fun to visualize my philosophy about design and planning an event about it. I hoped if there was a conference discussing about us as a person and how would it be if we convert that into our design identity, junior designers will be able to find their style much easily.


IM Official Website

Anyone can access the website, read what the conference is about, who sponsors it, who are the speakers, and how to purchase the ticket. The website is bilingual, Korean language option provided, since the event is bilingual.

The website is only a prototype.

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Website Design Process Report

Continuing the visual theme of the brochure, challenges and design decision making.


Voia: UX


Real Hip-Hop Festival: Communication Design